To Submit a Copyright Infringement Notice
If you are a copyright holder or designated representative it is essential to follow the steps outlined below in order to submit a copyright infringement notice:
Step 1: Submit an email outlining the details of the suspected copyright infringement to ensuring your subject line includes the keyword ‘copyright’.
The individual’s name, direct contact information and interest or affiliation with the infringed work must be included. Submissions may contain any information within the e-mail introduction but it is important to note that the copyright infringement portion must be submitted in the following format:
Subject: [Ensure the subject line contains the word “copyright”] Protocol: [Ensure the site or source used for the copyright infringement is included]
Offence Date and Time: [Ensure the date and time that copyright infringement occurred is included]
Recent Infringement Timestamp: [Ensure the last modified date and time is included]
Infringed Work: [Ensure the title of the work is included]
Infringing File Name: [Ensure the electronic file name of the infringed work is included]
Infringing File Size: [Ensure the file size of the infringed work is included]
Infringer’s IP Address: [Ensure the IP address identified for the copyright infringement is included]
Infringer’s Port: [Ensure the port ID number identified for the copyright infringement is included]
Infringer’s User Name: [If available, ensure the user name of the copyright infringer is included]
URL: [If available, ensure the URL associated with the infringement is included] – – —Start ACNS XML
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<Infringement xmlns=”” xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=”“>
<ID>Case ID Number</ID>
<Status>Case Status</Status>
<Entity>Complainant Entity Name</Entity>
<Contact>Complainant Contact Name</Contact>
<Address>Complainant Address</Address>
<Phone>Complainant Phone</Phone>
<Email>Complainant Email</Email>
<Entity>Truespeed Internet Services</Entity>
<TimeStamp>Offence Date and Time</TimeStamp>
<IP_Address>Infringer’s IP Address</IP_Address>
<Port>Infringer’s Port</Port>
<Type>Protocol Site or Source</Type>
<Number_Files>Number of Files</Number_Files>
<TimeStamp>Offence Date and Time</TimeStamp>
<Title>Infringed Work Title</Title>
<FileName>Infringing File Name</FileName>
<FileSize>Infringing File Size</FileSize>
<URL>URL Associated with Infringement</URL>
– – —End ACNS XML
For more information on this format please refer to the Automated Copyright Notice System (ACNS) website.
It is important to note that Truespeed can only effectively manage incoming infringement notices under the Notice and Notice Regime that adhere to the format outlined above. Submissions that do not comply with this standard will not be accepted.